The management of social declarations must mirror the preparation of pay checks. To ensure the continuity of salaries, we take charge of the declarations your company is obliged to make

Our status as an accounting firm allows us to file online declarations and to pay your monthly Monegasque social security contributions, so you do not need to be concerned with these recurring deadlines.

We take charge of all your declaration obligations, and guarantee the necessary contacts with the authorities in the event a problem arises.

We also manage preparation of the annual salary declaration that must be sent to the Monegasque tax authorities. Ordinance no. 3077 of 18/08/1945 obliges administrations, companies or individuals who pay salaries to persons domiciled in France to prepare an annual salary declaration (DAS) and file it with the Department of Tax Services.

  • Declaring Monegasque Social Security charges (CCSS, CAR and Pôle Emploi) and paying them online
  • Managing monthly, quarterly and annual declarations (AG2R, life insurance, supplementary health insurance and workplace accident insurance)
  • Preparing the DAS
  • Managing CCSS assessments